Redcon 1 - Isotope

by Redcon1
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High quality protein is at a premium now more so than ever before in the supplement industry. Athletes know the importance of using whey protein to either jumpstart their morning, as part of a complete post workout meal, or throughout the day to help satisfy their nutritional requirements.

Isotope checks off every box you’re looking for when deciding which WPI to supplement with.

First, it checks out on a performance standpoint. No corners were cut.

Second, it tastes great and mixes easily.

And lastly, it’s 100% reliable for the hardcore bodybuilder or athlete who needs precision and accuracy when calculating your daily caloric needs.

  • Increase Recovery
  • Reduce Soreness
  • Enhance Muscle Mass

Redcon1 Isotope utilises only the highest quality cold pressed microfiltered whey protein to ensure all IGF-1 factors and immunoglobulins are intact, while also combining it with some hydrolysed WPI and Ion Exchange WPI to ensure maximum protein availability and absorption is achieved.

At less than 2g of fat per serve, IsoTope mixes easily in water, is digested well and maintains a delicious flavour profile and texture.