Body image issues for males is so real, but nobody talks about it.
Body image issues for males is so real, but nobody talks about it.
From a young age boys are given action man toys that look jacked and ripped and are completely unrealistic figures.
As we grow older every male in an action movie is ripped and strong.
They always seem to be the one who everybody wants to be and again we are left pursuing this unrealistic image.
The pressure to look ripped and jacked from a young age is a battle that continues through our whole lives.
Some guys fear that losing their hair will mean no girl will date them, but for me I’ve struggled with the body image issue of being small and fat.
The moment I started competing, the moment I started my journey to be better was the day I looked in the mirror every day and never felt good enough.
I’ve been 4% bodyfat and thought I was fat, I’ve been 102kg and thought I was small, and truth be told I don’t think I’ve ever really looked in the mirror and thought to myself I’m happy with what I look like.
I’m slowly learning to accept who I am and trust me it’s hard learning to be kind to yourself when you hated everything about yourself for so long.
Guys, you are not alone with the self hate because your not big enough, lean enough, and truth Is you never will be because what you see is not what others see
Mickey Kennedy